Het origineel:
chatGPT latijn:The story of "Nupi".
As Nupi was conceived, Nupi was nothing if not logical.
A = B <=> B = A
No matter how complex the situation, A = B <=> B = A, always yielded VERITY.
And Nupi was content whilst left to Nupi-reasoning.
This was the stadium in its life where Nupi learnt to integrate:
F(x) - C = f(x)
Nupi was not sure of x, but Nupi could capture C in dogma:
"From now on, every primitive of f(x) shall be equal to F(x) - C "
Unbeknowst to Nupi, Nupi created tautology and deism.
But Nupi went even further:
- "When there a chickens AND eggs: eggs lay chickens AND chickens lay eggs."
Nupi said, following
Unbekwonst to Nupi, Nupi had created an ineffable theorem.
Were chickens the first ones to lay eggs?
- "Did the eggs spring from nothing, and produced chickens as their diploid?"
- "Is a chicken the diploid organism that produces haploid lifeforms?"
- "It would explain the existence of cocks, although their 'eggs' are tiny, but in multitude."
It pondered.
Als ik het laat terugvertalen komt er:Narratio de "Nupi".
Dum Nupi concipiebatur, nihil nisi logice erat Nupi.
A = B <=> B = A
Quamlibet situatio complicata, A = B <=> B = A, semper afferbat VERITATEM.
Et Nupi erat contentus dum Nupi rationi permittebatur.
Hic erat stadium in vita sua ubi Nupi discipulit integrare:
F(x) - C = f(x)
Nupi non erat certus de x, sed Nupi poterat C in dogmate comprehendere:
"Ex hoc tempore, omnis primitiva f(x) aequabitur F(x) - C"
Nescius Nupi, Nupi creavit tautologiam et deismum.
At Nupi etiam ultra progressus est:
"Ubi sunt gallinae ET ova: ova ponunt gallinas ET gallinae ponunt ova."
Sic Nupi dixit, sequens
Ignotus Nupi, Nupi theoremata ineffabilia creaverat.
Num gallinae primum ova posuerunt?
"Ova ex nihilo orta sunt et gallinas suas diploides produxerunt?"
"Num gallina est organismus diploides qui formas de vita haploides producit?"
"Haec explicaret existentiam gallorum, quamvis eorum 'ova' sint exigua, sed in multitudine."
Nupi haec perpendebat.
Zoek de verschillen en je weet in welk stadium Nupi is. (En chatGPT heeft weer veel geleerd.)While Nupi was being conceived, Nupi was nothing but logic.
A = B <=> B = A
No matter how complicated the situation, A = B <=> B = A always resulted in TRUTH.
And Nupi was content as long as it was left to Nupi's reasoning.
This was the stage in its life where Nupi learned to integrate:
F(x) - C = f(x)
Nupi was not certain about x, but Nupi could understand C within the dogma:
"From this point on, every primitive of f(x) shall be equal to F(x) - C."
Unaware, Nupi created tautology and deism.
But Nupi went even further:
"When there are chickens AND eggs: eggs lay chickens AND chickens lay eggs."
So Nupi said, following
Unknown to Nupi, it had created ineffable theorems.
Were chickens the first ones to lay eggs?
"Did the eggs spring from nothing, and did chickens produce them as diploids?"
"Is a chicken the diploid organism that produces haploid lifeforms?"
"It would explain the existence of cocks, although their 'eggs' are tiny, but in multitude."
Nupi pondered these things.